Fandom (2018-present)
"Wikia" redirects here. For, see the section.
Fandom (stylised in all caps from 2018 to 2021 and stylised in all lowercase in October 2016 and 2017, formely known as Wikia from 2006 to September 2016 and Wikicities in 2004 to 2006) is a wiki hosting service that was launched on October 18, 2004 by Jimmy Wales (also known as the co-founder of Wikipedia and WikiTRIBUNE/WT.Social) and Angela Beesley Starling. The site is free of charge, but is for-profit and mainly derives that from advertising and selling content. Fandom communities consist of online encyclopedias, each one specializing in a particular subject or theme, most of the popular fiction franchises of books, films, games, and other media. The main purpose of articles in a Fandom community is to cover information and discussion on a particular topic in a much greater and more overall detail level than can be found on Wikipedia articles.
Why It’s a Toxic Fandom Nowadays[edit | edit source]
Overall[edit | edit source]
- Even after the UCP update, Fandom used to runs on a heavily modified version of MediaWiki (1.33),[2] which was rendered obsolete on June 6, 2020 (they also previously used 1.19 version of MediaWiki throughout the years (which also was obsoleted) and not even using LTS version which have longer support). This editing system, despite being easier to use, is much more restricted in terms of function. This also applies to
- The source editor is also sometime very buggy and slow depending on the browser (and its hardware) used to edit it, especially if you're using a Chromebook that isn't supported by Windows. If so, bound for it to lock up and display a 502 error when trying to access it, or if trying to apply changes, displays an error in a foreign language and refuses to save it.
- This seems to be (mostly) changing as Fandom has finally announced that they will continually upgrade to newer MediaWiki versions, starting with 1.37.[3]
- They used to have a skin named Monaco that was quite beloved by the userbase, which was replaced with the theme Oasis that decreased space for actual content in favor of space for ads, which sounds quite ridiculous.
- Even worse, they retired the MonoBook skin for the same reason, and Fandom claimed it was retired to comply with the GDPR, yet Oasis has more space for ads than the retired skins.[4]
- Inconsistent policy about creating wikis. Everyone is free to create their wiki without restrictions. However, any wiki can still be closed if one of Fandom's higherups think it must be closed because it violates their Terms of Use, meaning users "being free to create their own wikis" is a completely false claim.
- Constant and unnecessary ads and Fandom’s stupid game trailers always playing when you’re just trying to read an article in peace.
- During March of 2020, both sites forced anyone who made a new wiki to use an "upgraded" version of their wiki software called the Unified Community Platform (UCP). This new version is completely unfinished and broken, and now, there's no way to create a non-broken wiki unless you adopt an inactive one.
- In regards to the new version of the wiki software, it’s a good idea on paper as it fixes many of the problems Fandom has had in the past like the outdated version of MediaWiki, but the whole thing just makes it look more like a social media page rather than a Wiki and with the bugs that haven’t been fixed after it began to be rolled out. It’s unknown why they decided to do this at all.
- Recently, Fandom and Wikia have been switching already existing wikis to this new software. This has infuriated many users of the website.
- Also, as of 2021, it appears that most wikis from both sites have officially upgraded to this, and it is unlikely that there are any wikis left not using UCP.
- The FandomDesktop (UCP 2) layout is absolutely atrocious and is considered even worse than the original UCP/Oasis theme, with ads being more frequent. You could change it back if you have an account, but this is no longer available after August 9, 2021.
- A week or months after introductions of FandomDesktop, the advertisement was updated and now covered half of the wiki pages on certain user devices when loaded mostly lower monitor resolutions such as 1366x768 or 1280x720 and lower or any iPads).[5]
- Both sites also removed redlinks for no clear reason.[6] Even if this was because of the expected reason "they don't go anywhere with any proper content", this shows that Fandom does not even know what the purpose of redlinks are, as if you read WP:REDLINK] on Wikipedia (aka the inspiration of all wiki-hosting sites), you will see that the purpose of redlinks are that they are supposed to be there in case anyone wants to create an article for the said topic, and they should only be removed if they definitely won't have an article on the wiki.
- Both sites replaced forums with discussions, a buggy replacement hated by many users.
- On November 15, 2021, they announced that wikis would be migrating to Fandom, because "people can be fans of anything", despite that there are times when they can't or shouldn't.[7]
- Unlike most websites that allow you to change your username with no consequences, changing your Fandom username for some petty reason, qualifies as sockpuppeting when it shouldn’t.
Fandom[edit | edit source]
- Before being rebranded as Fandom (as they were known as Wikia back in the day), the site was far more focused on fan-made communities/wikis, with its homepage being far easier to navigate. By logging into the Fandom homepage nowadays, however, you will be assaulted with an array of random posts covering various pop-culture news. Even if you use the search function in the "Discover Wikis" section, you'll still be greeted with various blogs, and the search results for wikis are crammed away pathetically in the corner, almost as if the site had forgotten what it's supposed to be.
- With the "Fandom" rebranding, the platform is now completely and utterly biased towards entertainment wikis, with annoying features such as the "Fan Feed" located at the bottom of every article containing links to clickbait titles under the Fandom website. The rebrand makes it look like a third-rate fansite, instead of a wiki farm, due to the name not having any connection to wikis at all.
- Speaking of blogs, the majority of them are literally BuzzFeed-type, Screen Rant-esque clickbait garbage. With some more focused on rapid feminist ideologies than creating content that fans want to read, from blogs complaining how "Soul Calibur VI's" female characters are "a letdown," to blogs defending Battlefield V's historically wrong choice to add women in the frontlines, and to blogs claiming that Yaoi and Yuri are harmful to the LGBT community. These blogs eventually became less common after numerous creative staff members were laid off.[8]
- The auto-playing "featured videos" are just as bad at times, containing multiple inaccuracies and normally only feature a summarized version of the page. A example is on Castlevania Wiki's Alucard page. The video uses footage of Alucard from "Hellsing" (anyone who watched the OVA will know that the "Hellsing" Alucard is Vlad Dracula himself). The ones on the RWBY Wiki were so bad that they had to add disclaimers on the pages.[9] The fact that these autoplay videos were added without the agreement of the wiki users didn't help either.[10] Not to mention they also hog the CPU and RAM for older computers. Thankfully the videos start as muted.
- Similar to most political extremist sites, Fandom will try and insert politics at any given opportunity. For example, on Piper's page on Nukapedia (Fallout Wiki), Fandom inserted an introduction video of her that includes a reference to "fake news" and an allusion to President Trump. It annoyed the admins of Nukapedia as they format pages to educate readers about Fallout and editorializing is simply out of place.
- The number of advertisements and multiple features that often cannot be turned off that hogs CPU and RAM, as well as clogging half of the page if using a 1366x768 monitor/cheap laptop monitor. It is very unfriendly to older computers or cheap computers with weaker CPU. Before the rebrand, it was more accessible for unregistered users, but now it's almost impossible to browse without getting infested with ads unless an adblocker is used.
- Fandom recently has become more pro-politically correct and censored, which is pandering to radical feminists. A good example is when they marked the term "SJW" as spam and prevented any edits containing the words from being submitted and pages containing the words from being edited until any mentions of "SJWs" are removed. Needless to say, users were quick to come up with alternatives.[11]
- More recently, they have started taking action against wikis with excess nudity or fanservice, meaning some wikis especially anime based will be taken down and most of the hard work and research put into those wikis would be lost.[12]
- SOAP takes anything like some random, unknown person's complaints very seriously, in Q3 2018 they even suggested to close down wikis for "Pushing GamerGate thoughts." However, the user who wanted to close wikis for being pro-GG was banned from another wiki for posting actual bestiality pornography.[13]
- Fandom has been recently taking down infamous fan-fiction websites, while many are filled with under-aged children, this is is still bad for freedom of the press on the website and has shown how Fandom has basically become the wikimedia version of YouTube. The Unanything wiki which was spawned from the former UnMario wiki (an actual good shit posting wiki that you can't visit anymore) is an example of what happens when censorship ruins a website. Nowadays, Fandom will go after you if your website is not advertiser friendly or is infamous for pushing disinformation on AI Tools. Pooh's Adventures, SpongeBob Fanon Wiki, Neo Scary Godmother Wiki, Supernanny Fanon Wiki, and the Peppa Pig Fanon Wiki have been quite infamous for having toxic users. As of 2025 Pooh's Adventures and the Peppa Pig Fanon Wiki have moved to Miraheze, meanwhile the Neo Scary Godmother Wiki attempted to turn SBFW into their new troll hive in 2024 and 2025 but failed due to SOAP preventing them. Now the admins of SBFW as well as the user base have been exposed for breaking the rules because prior to the FreakyBob page, they were mostly underground and were off the radar of Fandom to get rid of them. Now with more publicity, the wiki has finally been shut down and had been at a losing battle towards the Fandom and SOAP admins for awhile even during the old days of the website in 2013 and 2014 where it was impossible to promote people to being bureaucrats. The spin-off Finding Bigfoot on the site in particular attacks Kirkburn for one incident he did on the site. The SBFW admins have been for awhile been aware of their decline for awhile with fake troll rebrands such as the Denzel Crocker Fanon wiki and sboofwa being around on the website in 2022 and 2023 while witnessing closures like UnMario as well as rebrands like the Nicktoons Fanon Wiki changing into Fiction Foundry. Unlike Fiction Foundry, SBFW had been unable to get a re-brand because becoming a generic wiki also breaks Fandom's ToS placing them in a losing battle against both the Trolls that want a new NSG wiki and the Fandom mods who want to turn it into a YouTube Kids style content farm. According to the admins cleaning up the wiki also breaks ToS because the thing that made them different from the ESB owned wiki was being less faithful to the Y7 vision of the show which meant if it was cleaned up, it turns into a clone of FSB which also violates ToS due to a rule about their not having too many general wikis. These wikis are now gone due to Fandom not being a fan of 13-18+ content being used on a kids show.
- They actually discourage forking off the site. Even though wikis like Trollpasta Wiki, the Qualitipedia wikis, other reception wikis, the Ballmedia wikis, RuneScape Wiki, and Minecraft Wiki[14] have been successful, they had a large history of demoting admins and globally banning users who attempt to encourage moving their wikis off Fandom, which even happened before the rebrand after the Oasis skin was forced. [15]
- In one recent incident in 2020, an admin from the Spanish SmashPedia got disabled by staff and had his blog of forking his wiki deleted without any chance of recovery (alongside blocking who made the blog and who deleted it). Shortly after, a screenshot was taken onto another wiki and not only did they use COPPABot (a bot naturally only used to delete content of underaged users, in which it is now abuse of a wiki tool), the entire wiki where the image was posted got closed as well. Shortly after, a staff member used a tool called "Piggyback" to censor the blog and then globally disable his account. Shortly after this incident, the staff attempted to censor this case any further by deleting any threads related to this incident and also globally banning anyone who was involved.
- Hacking and vandalism often happen due to low security features.
- Wikis kept getting infested by many trolls who keep vandalizing pages and spamming comments attacking others.
- Hypocrisy for two reasons:
- Fandom claims to offer a friendly and welcoming environment for everyone. Yet, the staff can abruptly close even very old and very frequented wikis without warning, changing their Wiki Software to a new and unfinished version, and not caring about any lost content related problem the users they should care about may experience. They are often using a sort of courteously intolerant behavior when their decisions are questioned, often using the same copypasted reply in their messages. Community Central, the core of the service, is full of users biased in favor of Fandom, whose comments are left untouched.
- Fandom also claims that adding videos to Wiki pages will help decrease the number of overall ads, which should be "a better experience." However, you may get stuck watching a whole minute worth of ads before the featured video plays without an adblocker.
- They have continued to allow rip-offs of Qualitipedia and other reception wiki wikis, as there are new rip-offs like Greatest Books Wiki (a rip-off of Magnificent Literature Wiki), Wonderful Books Wiki (another ripoff of Magnificent Literature Wiki), Toxic Fanbases & Hatebases Wiki (a rip-off of Toxic Fandoms and Hatedoms Wiki), Incredible Characters Wiki (although the founder admitted it was created just in case the original closed down)[16] and Fresh Websites Wiki (a rip off of the original wiki of the same name, our sister wiki), despite them shutting down the positive reception wikis as well when the negative ones started shutting down in September 2018.[17]
- On September 15, 2021, Connal2021 copied the entire main page of the now closed Miraheze version of Best Shows & Episodes Wiki, and pasted it on the main page of another wiki ripoff, Best TV Shows Wiki (a rip off of Best Shows & Episodes Wiki).[18]
- Wonderful Books Wiki, Incredible Characters Wiki and Fresh Websites Wiki are arguably the most pointless ones, as there are already Fandom wikis with the same topic, as there is already Greatest Books Wiki, Characters Wiki the Fandom version of Incredible Characters Wiki and Best Websites Wiki, the original version of our brother wiki.
- However, this can be excused by the fact that unlike the other wiki rip-offs, these wiki rip-offs are based on wikis that were created after the migration, so Fandom doesn't necessarily know that these wikis are rip-offs.
- Fandom claims to offer a friendly and welcoming environment for everyone. Yet, the staff can abruptly close even very old and very frequented wikis without warning, changing their Wiki Software to a new and unfinished version, and not caring about any lost content related problem the users they should care about may experience. They are often using a sort of courteously intolerant behavior when their decisions are questioned, often using the same copypasted reply in their messages. Community Central, the core of the service, is full of users biased in favor of Fandom, whose comments are left untouched.
- When asking a staff member why a certain user has been globally blocked or why a user's account has been disabled, they refuse to give any information as to why.
- Just like Wikipedia, if a user gets unfairly blocked on a wiki by a corrupt admin, they usually side with the corrupt admin without a second thought.
- If a user tries to report a user or an admin for their corruptive behavior to the staff such as Sannse Cushway, on the Community Wiki, the staff does absolutely nothing to stop the situation and would only just give you tips on how to handle the situation.
- A lot of bad and average wikis can be found on the site. Most of them are either unorganized or not very good due to lack of moderation, lack of quality control, refusing to listen to criticism and instead blocking people who criticize them, frequent vandalism, spam/useless categories, poor writing structures, refusing the pleas or help of blocked users and showing them no mercy, unfair rules, not caring about a second rewrite, and when a user is blocked, they can not edit their own talk page. Many examples of bad/mediocre wikis include:
- Wikis based on Nickelodeon shows, with the Sam and Cat Wiki, Breadwinners Wiki, Bunsen Is a Beast Wiki, Henry Danger Wiki, Rabbids Invasion Wiki, The Loud House Encyclopedia, the now-closed Casagrandes Wiki, SpongeBob Fanon Wiki (since 2024), Santiago of the Seas Wiki and The Backyardigans Wiki being the worst offenders (Encyclopedia SpongeBobia, Avatar Wiki, Jimmy Neutron Wiki, T.U.F.F. Puppy Wiki, Danny Phantom Wiki, Rugrats Wiki, Fairly OddParents Wiki, School of Rock Wiki, Nickipedia, Drake and Josh Wiki, Blue's Clues Wiki, and Hey Arnold Wiki are the only exceptions from these).
- Out of all of the Nickelodeon wikis, The Loud House Encyclopedia is debatably the worst offender by many, as the users there constantly ship the older characters with the younger siblings and any character[19] (which started in 2016), disrespect other users opinions, many of the users and admins being massive hypocrites, protecting upcoming episode pages and sometimes even regular pages for administrators only indefinitely (with the worst offenders being Clyde McBride/Lori Moments, When I Grow Up, No End in Bite, and Lily Loud), etc. In addition, the infamous episode "No Such Luck" ruined the fanbase, as they went from being average to being a bad wiki[20], being one of the reasons why the The Loud House actually went downhill in Season 3... and it must and needs to be mentioned that "A Grave Mistake" would actually somehow start the downfall of the show... only for the Season 5 premiere titled "Schooled" would actually worsen the downfall of the show. Eventually, as of 2021, the fanbase was so fed up, even to the point where they made posts and polls on the wiki to improve it over time, thus leaving many of the writers to improve it. The wiki has a few redeeming qualities here and there, but that is not saying much.
- Additionally, ever since LSuperSonicQ uploaded video which exposed its admins of hoarding the pilots of The Backyardigans, The Backyardigans Wiki got infested with vandals that would vandalize the articles out of jealousy of the admins, with messages such as "you sit in a throne of lies", presumably in response to the situation regarding the pilot. Although edits of the vandals had been reverted with some pages temporarily protected, the vandals continued to vandalize the articles out of spite unless the admins would release the pilot themselves, not helping is that the admins have been exposed as terrible people who couldn't handle criticism and one of them even send a death threat at one point when someone was trying to get the 2001 pilot found.
- Most wikis related to preschool or preteen TV shows, including wikis like CBeebies Wiki, Learningblocks Wiki, PBS Kids Wiki, PBS Kids GO! Wiki, Pocoyo Wiki, Judy Moody Wiki, Angelina Ballerina Wiki, Henry Hugglemonster Wiki, Special Agent Oso Wiki, and Fireman Sam Wiki.
- Arthur Wiki, while not a bad wiki, relies on subheaders too much. Luckily, its fork toned down the subheaders a lot.
- The Disney Wiki, while not a bad wiki as it does have some great content info and well written articles, the admins can sometimes act toxic to certain users.
- Lost Media Archive, while not outright tiresome has gone downhill a bit since 2018 when most of the admins left the site, though newer admins were eventually added and some good pages can still be found here and there.[21]
- The Powerpuff Girls: Action Time Wiki is a rip-off of Powerpuff Girls Wiki.[22]
- Miraculous Ladybug Wiki is also really toxic, even bullying a fan who liked a character called Lila Rossi, of where the fan is hated by the wiki, if not worse than the Steven Universe Wiki, even to the point where in January 2022, they actually made the person commit suicide.[23]
- The Family Guy and American Dad Wikis can also be very toxic, if not more so than the other wikis listed here, to the point where the Family Guy Wiki is on par with modern Family Guy in terms of quality. Its former administrator known by the name Buckimion has a history of abusing his admin power of threatening and harassing users, he would constantly block users without reasoning, will constantly revert your edits and will also constantly protect an article indefinitely over edits he doesn't agree with, even when they don't appear as vandalism. He’s also known to be very unapologetic and is never remorseful for his actions towards innocent users. Especially when users try to reason with him over his behavior, he will not accept criticism. Additionally, if a user wants a second chance to edit the wiki again, Buckimion will not let you edit again until you are forced to apologize to him, even when you didn't do anything wrong. However as of July 16, 2024, he has since stepped down as admin. Even outside of Buckimion, the other admins are no better, and the wikis are filled to the brim with bizarre sentences, poor grammar and terrible formatting structure, arguably making them the worst wikis on Fandom to date.
- Waddle On Wiki, just like the Angry Birds Universe Wiki is a rip-off of a wiki with this wiki ripping off the Club Penguin Wiki but this case is even worse since this wiki simply just imported the page from the Club Penguin Wiki and called it a day which makes the Angry Birds Universe Wiki look like Encyclopedia SpongeBobia in comparison.[24]
- KineMaster Wiki, for its lack of information and having articles that are not related to KineMaster itself.
- Fanonia SpongeBobia, while not a bad wiki, and SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki are a rip-offs of SpongeBob Fanon Wiki.[25][26]
- Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki, while not a bad wiki, contains poorly-made pages for OATC: Next Generation.
- After the release of Mario Party 10, the Mario Party Wiki started being inactive as some of its pages are outdated and some of its admins haven't been active for years though it still has some active users. You can look at the difference if you compare the Mario Party page with the Mario Party Superstars page.[27]
- As stated on BQ#11N#2, Fandom has continued to allow rip-offs of Qualitipedia wikis.
- Dream Fiction Wiki, which while not a bad wiki, is a clone of the Idea Wiki and the admins can sometimes act rude to certain users.
- Muppet Wiki, which while was decent back then and is fairly good in terms of content, has become rather similar to the Family Guy and American Dad wikis with the admins being mean to innocent users, having very poor writing structures, problematic formatting and of course, bizarre sentences. Here is an example of one of those bizarre sentences, done by Whitaker in late October 2023.
- The Pro Wrestling Wiki is notorious for one of its administrators by the name of Latin915, known for being untrustworthy and mean to users. He is know for snitching and blocking users for unknown and dumb reasons, even when they didn't do anything wrong. Especially when a user apologizes to him for making a small simple mistake, he refuses to unblock you. Additionally, the rest of the admins are no better as they never take the time to update an article, especially the wrestler articles for example.
- The 101 Dalmatian Street Wiki has also started to go downhill when a Muppet Wiki editor came along and became one of the admins, doing bizarre sentences in a vain similar to the Muppet Wiki, and another one of its admins, BaldiBasicsFan, is also somewhat mean to innocent users.
- Jailbreak Wiki, while fairly good in terms of content, is also quite toxic (mainly in 2022), as it would accuse people of ban evading when they accused GameKing02 of ban evading just because he had a similar theme to Casha2032, which caused him to be unfairly blocked.[28]
- Teen Titans Go! Wiki, while not that bad despite Teen Titans Go! being really bad itself, is pretty toxic as it would ask people to leave whenever they are fans of the original series[29].
- Wolfoo Wiki is also really bad as it contains characters from the show that is not even related to Wolfoo such as Plum, who is from Plum the Super Witch instead[30]. In fact, Wolfoo is even hated for being a Peppa Pig rip-off.
- Teen Titans Go! Extended Universe Wiki is a rip-off of Teen Titans Go! Wiki.
- The Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go Wiki has become infamous recently for its claims lacking in reliable sources and having corrupt admins. For example, they claim that the fourth season will serve as the final season of All Engines Go just because of rumors that Nelvana is shutting down, but there is no reliable source to confirm its the last season as such.
- Wikis based on Nickelodeon shows, with the Sam and Cat Wiki, Breadwinners Wiki, Bunsen Is a Beast Wiki, Henry Danger Wiki, Rabbids Invasion Wiki, The Loud House Encyclopedia, the now-closed Casagrandes Wiki, SpongeBob Fanon Wiki (since 2024), Santiago of the Seas Wiki and The Backyardigans Wiki being the worst offenders (Encyclopedia SpongeBobia, Avatar Wiki, Jimmy Neutron Wiki, T.U.F.F. Puppy Wiki, Danny Phantom Wiki, Rugrats Wiki, Fairly OddParents Wiki, School of Rock Wiki, Nickipedia, Drake and Josh Wiki, Blue's Clues Wiki, and Hey Arnold Wiki are the only exceptions from these).
- They never care about a security breach or whenever features become broken until it becomes a serious issue. Two of Fandom's staff accounts got hacked and action wasn't taken until the damage was already been done.
- Bureaucracy never helps matters, since as a whole, it causes more problems than it has solved. In terms as a wider issue, what is to always be expected from bureaucrats, is that they are painfully indifferent to people's feelings, apathetic to people, have no moral compasses, relying on their politically correct agendas to shut down people that have a right to stand up against corrupt staff, admins, and moderators, destroy efficiencies and dreams that will make beneficial changes, and are otherwise shallow. The same logic applies with the Fandom staff, as well as its various wiki domains.
- In addition to that, admins and moderators, as well as most if not all users in particular, revert well-done edits for no reason, revert them just because they personally don't agree with them, as well as under absurd, perverse reasons.
- While it may sound good in certain ways if done in minorly/moderately restricted methods, having the communities run the wikis variably is not just painfully capricious and arbitrary, but also unreliable and unstable, as there will be changes that will affect the wikis in a negative way.
- As it additionally ties in with the communities running by themselves, the changes are also, driven by opinionated, biased mentalities rather than looking from a factual perspective, and happen to ruin things that are fine the way they are, hence the changes are made just because someone personally doesn't like it.
- Ever since from the start, there are always problems of opposing abusive moderators and administrators. There was zero ways to hold them to account and to punish them. Fandom literally doesn't do anything helpful against them, and all they do, is offer advice to message them, which far more often than not, is always a hit and run. To make matters worse, they give them freedom w/o any obvious restrictions. What this insinuates, is that both moderators and administrators are treated as privileged positions, when they just aren't. Most people joining the aforementioned had chosen to be in those positions, knowing full well of all the challenges involved, but there is no excuse for them to abuse their power for their own selfish ends, for example, banning people for no/petty reasons. The same logic applies with founders that happen to abuse their authority as well.
- Unlike Miraheze, which makes you request wikis in order for them to be created, Fandom lets you create wikis yourself. While some people think that this is not a bad idea, as you don't have to wait for someone else to make the wiki for you, the problem is that there are no restrictions in doing so which results to users such as this one creating a wiki about racism,[31] which was later closed.[32]
- FANDOM sometimes annoys viewers with a "LET US KNOW" or "TAKE THE SURVEY HERE" icon covering half of the page. This problem can be fixed by refreshing the page.[citation needed]
- Annoying quiz game that blocks almost the page view in a wiki. Thankfully, it disappeared.[citation needed]
- Starting from 2023, there is an annoying forced age gate pop-up asking if you are a child or an adult, and the only way you can get rid of it is an third-party extension.[citation needed]
- Fandom was hired by the US Navy to promote Twitch. In return, Fandom sent in February 2024 a $200,000 bonus check to the IDF during the 2023 Israel-Hamas War.
- Since 2025, they began closing fanon/fan-made wikis for unknown reasons such as the Peppa Pig Fanon Wiki and Pooh's Adventures Wiki, which caused Peppa Pig Fanon Wiki to get moved to Miraheze.[33]
- Overall, this era killed the reputation of Fandom and just gets worse every year.[edit | edit source]
- In 2019, the domain was changed to, as Wikia Inc. was being rebranded to Fandom Inc. The domain was used for non-entertainment encyclopedias.[34]
- You couldn't directly create a wiki on the site. You have to create it on Fandom first and request to have it migrated to
Qualities That Are Still A Good Fandom[edit | edit source]
Overall[edit | edit source]
- There are some good things about UCP:
- If someone creates a page, it now appears in the logs, therefore, you can now prove whether or not someone created a page without being an administrator.
- While removing chat was something that annoyed users, Fandom staff did have a point about it not being very popular, and also, it's kind of pointless now considering that Discord servers exist.[35]
- While they were not originally there, blogs and comments were eventually added to the platform.[36]
- You now automatically get a notification if someone replies to your comment or a comment you replied to, when in the past, you had to ping users for them to get a reply. In fact, this is one of the few things that Fandom has over Miraheze.
- It is much easier to see users' posts, as in the past, you had to click on the thing that said "[number of discussion posts] discussion posts", however you can now view their discussion posts by clicking "Activity" and while there are three things that are shown here (posts, comments and messages), it will automatically be on posts.
- The sites recently added sandbox links to user pages proving that the site is starting to slowly improve again aside from the UCP update.
Fandom[edit | edit source]
- The site used to be good before 2018.
- Most of these issues actually focus on the bad staff and moderation as the userbase and the wikis are not that bad.
- As mentioned above, it's a bit easier to use and understand than MediaWiki.
- There are still some decent and well-designed wikis on the site. Examples being the WWTBAM wiki, the Silvagunner wiki, Heroes Wiki, Locomotive Wiki, Villains Wiki, Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki, The Binding of Isaac wiki, Encyclopedia SpongeBobia, Nickipedia, Nickstory Archives, Roblox Wiki, and Logopedia.
- We even still get a lot of great wikis, some of which actually have information written in an in-universe perspective (most notably the Harry Potter Wiki and the well-designed wikis listed above).
- The clickbait blogs, ads, and videos when viewing wikis can be easily removed through an adblocker or editing your global CSS on Community Central.
- Although it could be considered a bad quality to some, Fandom can get addicting.
- Without Fandom, most media won't be able to have their own informative wikis (despite being bad ones) and most school students wouldn't be able to get some info if they're doing projects despite some Fandom wikis moving to other wiki hosts.
- The videos are now disabled, albeit only for logged-in users.
- Some users are mature and can respect other users.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- This is currently the third longest page on this wiki.[37]
Videos[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Community Central's help page on the domain migration
- ↑ Example (archived for 1.33 version): Dark Witch Wiki link
- ↑ Rhea's blog post "Fandom is upgrading to MediaWiki 1.37 as part of our commitment to keeping the platform up to date" on Central|Community Central
- ↑ The Future of Monobook on FANDOM
- ↑ Example ads (on 1366x768 resolution):
- ↑ Just click the edit button on your sandbox on any wiki (if you don't have one, create one, and if you're an anonymous user, edit the public sandbox titled "[insert wiki name here]:Sandbox" and if there isn't one feel free to create it yourself) and link a non-existent article, then publish it and you will see that there is no redlink on the article despite that your edit was saved.
- ↑ of " domain migration" on Community Central
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- ↑ [https// "Greatest Movies Wiki Shutted Down!" on Masson Thief's talk page on Crappy Games Wiki]
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- ↑ List of admins on Lost Media Archive
- ↑ The Powerpuff Girls: Action Time Wiki
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- ↑ MisterWoodhouse's blog "The future of Chat"
- ↑ MisterWoodhouse's blog post "Blogs are now available on the Unified Community Platform"
- ↑ Long pages on this wiki