EKool on wheels

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EKool on wheels
Why choose eKool if school homework already exists?
Type of site: "Educational" website
Created by: Tanel Keres
Date of launch: 2002
Status: Active

eKool is a school management system created in 2002 by the Look@World foundation in cooperation with private companies; in 2005, it became a private company, Koolitööde AS. Afterward, it expanded across the Estonian school network and is currently used in over 90% of Estonian schools.

Why It Got an F- on Its Test[edit | edit source]

  1. It has hidden homework.
    • Some teachers force students to use eKool even though the student doesn't have internet/devices/etc.
    • This reason causes students to farm more missing assignments by just not using eKool.
    • Some people also get off-topic or already-done homework.
  2. Doxxing Possibility: It forces you to use your personal code, address, etc real info before making a new account. (It should be optional)
  3. It causes people to get in trouble/grounded.
  4. It's overused, due to the fact it's used in 95% of Estonian schools.
  5. False advertising: While some parents say it's only for teachers and parents, some students even have it at home.
  6. It replaces normal homework in schools and makes them so much more easier to get.
  7. Their messaging app is useless, since you can only invite people from your schools.
  8. It has no moderation service. They secretly allow racism, impersonation, nudity, swearing, etc. on the website.
  9. False Advertising: It also only accepts JPG pictures smaller than 1 MB despite them mentioning that they support more formats.
  10. Unstable file format approval.
  11. It has an extremely tiny and only Estonian-speaking community. Almost nobody from this website doesn't use their real name, speaks other languages, especially their real face in the PFP feature. Almost nobody also fakes information, which they should do since the website is very insecure.
  12. Possibly Confusing: It is the most used education system in Estonia (and also liked), even though it is absolutely terrible.
  13. Possibly Confusing: It has some improperly recognizable grades.
  14. Communication with users are extremely hard to perform.
  15. Scamming: Sometimes they give out "free" eKool Perepakett, which is mostly a scam since it still costs dollars. It is mostly discounts.
  16. Horrible PFP cropping. The crop box gets off of the box when you try to scale/drag it with your mouse!
  17. The ideas website is pointless and can only be used to comment/reply to people and spam/create ideas.
  18. In the Ideas website, it has moderation. but absolutely TERRIBLE! Because they mostly removes your comment/ideas when you speak any other language than Estonian (ex: English)!
  19. It gives random error screens when doing something.
  20. The mKool app has very hard navigation. This is why it has lower than 3 stars on Google Play Store and App Store.
  21. Personal Info Leaking: Some of their YouTube videos contain personal info that can expose someone/them.
  22. There are also schools that don't count as schools at all, but rare.
  23. According to someone on change.org, they made the grade statistics only available for eKool premium users during 2017. What if someone wants to view it in an different way? To make things even worse, they never fixed the grade statistics being only for Premium users.
  24. Exposing Possibility: Not only eKool can make people in trouble, but expose their secrets.
  25. Most teachers also misuse the "Missing" feature (also others) if someone comes in early/late/is already here, but doesn't act normally. This is the same thing with some other features as well.
  26. Sometimes, some photos might be way too childish.
  27. On 17th March 2020, eKool had a server lockdown. Since it happened, 150K students in Estonia would have gotten in trouble.
  28. You cannot remove/leave/edit certain stuff after posting it.
  29. Some teachers/schools probably also praise eKool like a literal god.
  30. They restricted the whole Ideas Website for newer users anywhere (was revealed as not a IP ban, but roleban).
  31. No matter what school, you cannot remove people from your class when they were late/missing many times.
  32. They have a feature that allows people to view school pages before requesting, but extremely broken.
  33. There is also somehow an "Add event" button when you're not yet on the school and viewing the school page, but doesn't work at all.
  34. People also have nightmares of it.
  35. Sometimes the school requests take way too long to be approved or get declined for a unfair reason.
  36. They once made a very inappropriate ad that got removed.
  37. Scamming: The prices of eKool Perepakett is both different in mobile and PC.
  38. Ideas rarely get approved
  39. People are also sick of it and really want to switch to alternate websites such as Studium or Opiq. Unfortunately, Opiq has a feature that restricts 99.9% of all pages when you didn't buy any "Packet"!
  40. There are people who don't use Estonian or English on their eKool page, but extremely rare.
  41. When making an account, it reverts back to English for no reason.
  42. Lying: Sometimes grades by teachers can be inaccurate or lies.
  43. Hacking Possibility: Since they don't have personal info protection or 2-step verification, your account can be hacked very easily. This can also dox you if you trust eKool for your personal info (which you definitely, never should do).
  44. Possibly Confusing: Creating an account in the wiki is also restricted to administrators, but logged out users cannot be ranked to different ranks, which means it's impossible to make an account.
  45. The wiki is deserted and most of the pre-made pages are empty.
  46. Ene, the only admin on their wiki is very inactive, making edits for mostly months, or even years at a time.
    • In addition, from September 2011 to December 2022, he blocked four users manually, that's 11 years of almost no activity!
  47. Sometimes it fails to load some PDF files on the main file viewer.
  48. Lack of UI Expansion: Most elements use the old style, while 40% of the website uses the modern UI. One example is the "New Lesson" prompt for teachers.
  49. Horribly enough, eKool has a terrible date identification system on the signup screen.
  50. They now inforce the country code on phone numbers to be shown since December 2023.
  51. Since January 2024, they now force PFPs to have a face via AI. This is a risk of privacy.
  52. Every time you sign in to eKool with an unverified email adress, it shows an popup message. To make matters worse, there is no "don´t show this again" checkbox, which makes this really annoying.
  53. Since January 2024, they updated the Account Settings UI. Of course, it´s horrible, since the UI doesn´t apply with the whole website and it has other bugs.
  54. In Early 2024, they removed some languages from their website.
  55. In Early 2024, your personal code was set to permanent and cannot be changed on the Settings Page.
  56. In Early 2024, the removed having multiple street addresses.
  57. The "Consents" menu doesn't load for some reason.
  58. Some windows have completely blank areas if on a high screen resolution or small zoom.
  59. When you are an student of an school and find the same school name on the "Add" menu, then you can actually request an parent child request, only. Once again, you can switch pages in the request page, showing the student request page despite the school info only showing 1 button.
  60. Only password protection. If you get hacked, you will get doxxed as well.
  61. For a some reason, eKool refuses to even upload anything from the Messenger app and thinks it "way too large", and forces people to buy "eKool põhipakett" to upload a completely simple file to the platform.

Redeeming Qualities[edit | edit source]

  1. It's still usable for school purposes, although it doesn't seem like so.
  2. You can still secretly spam on the website.
  3. You can fake your info.
  4. Rarely, depending on area, some teachers don't use it/use it very rarely.
  5. It’s rare, but moderators can approve English or any other language, but they still mostly approve Estonian.

Pictures[edit | edit source]

Empty premade page in the wiki
(False Advertising)
False Advertisement: eKool not approving other formats
Picture of a "school" which doesn't sound like a school and has na Estoniaball from PolandBall icon with a Viking hat on it
Permanent Poison Ban on eKool's Ideas website (Pre-2024)
7-day Account Creation ban
Faulty PDF View (Opera GX)
No matter what school, you cannot remove people from your class when they were late/missing many times.
Stupid account creation restriction
eKool Bug: NaNMB despite an simple image file.