Turkey Tom

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Turkey Tom
Yeah! he such a wretched animator
Gender: Male
Type: Hypocritical Commentary Channel who refuses to take criticism.
Status: Active
Subscriber Count: 962k

Turkey Tom is a commentary YouTuber who makes videos focused around criticizing other YouTubers and other websites. As of October 2023 he has 962K subscribers. Turkey Tom briefly went offline on 23rd December 2020 on both social medias after his video about Pyrocynical, but he returned on 2nd March 2021.

Why He's supposed to be criticized[edit | edit source]

  1. He is mainly very dishonest on his infamous videos saying stuff that is not true just like Anita Sarkeesian. As he accused many people of actions they have not done.
    • He claimed that Mr. Enter was a pedophile which wasn't true. Tom even deleted his video because of that.
    • The infamous Pyrocynical drama. Basically, he made a poorly-researched documentary that was meant to "debunk" various claims by Pyrocynical, but after the latter debunked the document, he made an extremely poor response that contradict his initial claims, which gained massive backlash and resulted in the comments section being filled with people singing Michael Jackson's "Beat It".
  2. He is also a mean-spirited jerk, a bad person, and an edgelord who among other things:
    • Bullied Pickll (also known as Spechie) (when she used to be stubborn) by fat shaming her in a tweet where he said that she had gotten "considerably fucking fatter recently" which got him blocked. In fact Tom only made a video about the animation community because of that, by lying that he gave her criticism and she blocked him, when in reality, it wasn't that.
    • Called Prison Mate Luke a "dipshit" over his video on the aforementioned Pyrocynical allegations. Not helping that he stated in a reply that he should have been meaner.
      • Though to be fair Luke has been criticized for being no different than him.
    • He also maliciously bullied InternetAjay by making various videos criticizing him. While he did make some valid criticism towards him, he refused to acknowledge that he listened to criticism so he decided to bash him constantly, and decided to milk the criticism for views, by making 5 videos. The worst part is that this is one of the main reasons why InternetAjay retired from YouTube.
  3. When a former fan of his told him on twitter to please make a good apology or they would leave, Tom literally told them he didn't care.[1]
  4. He added the (at the time) false allegations of squizzy in one of his Slazo videos. Thankfully, he apologized for it, and the allegations against squizzy ended up being real as time went on.
  5. He said racists and anti-Semitic things, such as saying negative stuff about Israel and jews. Even using the n-word (twice) and stating that saying it isn't racist. He still does it to this day.
  6. He is a hypocrite as he makes videos of users who can't take criticism yet he can't take the backlash for his pyro video.
  7. He praises Dream's handling of his stans, even though Dream has done some terrible responses to them.
  8. He defends Keemstar in various occasions, even when he's wrong.
  9. He sponsored Temu in his EDP445 video, an app made by a Chinese company notorious for putting malware in their apps, which collects data and personal info.

Redeeming Qualities[edit | edit source]

  1. Some of his videos are decent like the ones on reddit, shadman, FuturisticHub and Daniel Larson.
  2. Despite hypocrisy he defended Slazo during his controversy.
  3. Even he is aware on some of his flaws.
  4. Ever since the controversy regarding Pyrocynical, he seems to curb his habit of being an edgelord and being more objective and less demeaning.
  5. He rightfully criticized Keemstar for how he treated Etika.

References[edit | edit source]


Comments[edit | edit source]
